Gone are the days where employees would work at the same company for decades and have a stable career. In today’s fast-paced society, employees are expected to constantly upgrade themselves with new skills and stay ahead of the competition. One great way is signing up for degree courses, be it a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Here are some benefits of signing up for part time degree courses in Singapore.
1. They improve your career options.
A major benefit of part time degree courses is helping to improve your career options and progression. Having a master’s degree allows you to draw a higher salary compared to normal degree holders and giving you a better chance of being employed, while a bachelor’s degree is an ideal choice for diploma holders seeking to further their skills in their career and field, as well as commanding a higher starting pay.
In addition, taking up a part time degree course in Singapore allows you the option to switch to another career, while still keeping your existing one. This is ideal for polytechnic diploma
holders who may decide to explore another career track after their studies, and who want to no longer be restricted to their original diploma choice. Part time degree courses also focus on practical and job-related skills, allowing students to immediately apply them and hit the ground running right as they graduate.
2. They provide postgraduate credentials.
With the rising number of degree holders in the workforce, many people have turned towards postgraduate education to gain an edge over their peers. An MBA (Master of Business Administration) is one of the most popular part time master degrees in Singapore. It focuses on building leadership skills and a mastery of business principles, making it a useful degree for many bachelor’s degree holders from diverse fields and backgrounds.
One understated benefit of an MBA is that it helps to build up a stronger and more robust professional network, allowing you to connect with numerous professionals across various industries. Besides MBAs, Amity Global offers master’s degrees in data science, creative marketing and advertising, as well as supply chain management, catering to a wide range of professions and empowering students for success.
3. They offer learning flexibility.
With the demanding nature of most jobs, flexibility is key to being able to earn a regular salary while still pursuing further studies for future job advancement. Many part time degree courses in Singapore offer distance learning for students who are unable to physically attend lessons, utilising online lectures, seminars, and other online learning tools to ensure students receive quality education while not being shortchanged.
In addition, part time degrees have reduced coursework as compared to full-time degrees, giving working students the flexibility to comfortably meet their work KPIs while still enjoying sufficient leisure time. Tutors and lecturers are also familiar with the struggles that working students face, and can easily cater to individual students’ needs and adjust their coursework deadlines accordingly.
With partnerships with acclaimed universities and numerous degrees to enroll in, Amity Global helps you step into a world of greater potential and success. Visit our website to see the part time degree courses that we have to offer in Singapore.