Student's Feedback | Amity Global Instiute
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Feedback and Grievance Procedure

Feedback and Grievance Procedure

A student seeking resolution of a grievance should follow the steps outlined below. These steps have been put in place to facilitate resolution of grievances with a minimum of delay.

  1. The school accepts feedback / complaints in hard copy (e.g. letter or fax) or soft copy (e.g. email) from the public, staff or students. 
  2. The school gives an acknowledgement or initial response to the feedback / complaint within 3 working days.
  3. The school targets to resolve feedback / complaints within 14 working days.
  4. If the student still refuses to accept the second solution and before the maximum of 21 days, the school will propose that the matter to be resolved through the Dispute Resolution Scheme of the Committee for Private Education.


  1. All feedback / complaints (including disputes) and the actions taken to resolve them are filed in the school’s Feedback Register that also provides information on nature of complaint / grievance and the time taken to resolve.

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